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Your Test

Blue Accelerator is a versatile test and demonstration platform with a safe test zone around it, where no other marine traffic is allowed.


It is open to industry, large and small SMEs, project developers and consortia, and knowledge institutions. Facilities and services are focused on Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) 4-7 up to 9.

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Floating energy conversion

Floating energy conversion includes testing and demonstrating of PTOs (power take-off) and BoPs (balance of plant) in a range source types: floating solar PV, wave convertors, current convertors, (scaled) wind energy. It may also include multi-use applications where, for instance, aquaculture is combined with energy convertors.

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Materials testing

Blue Accelerator is an ideal spot to test new materials and applications for corrosion and the effects of biofouling. This may cover short-term and duration tests, in static or dynamic conditions (stress-testing) of materials, coatings, nature-based solutions, sensors and cables.


Drone solutions

Testing and demonstrating drone applications in the offshore environment – by air, surface or submerged - is perfectly possible in our test zone. This is targeted towards Operations & Maintenance tasks at the offshore wind farms, monitoring and inspection of offshore assets, as well as for defence purposes.

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